Buttons and Birdcages is Moving!

Hey Everyone!

I have some exciting (and a little sad) news..


is officially moving to a self hosted site:


What does this mean for my wordpress.com followers?

It means I won’t be showing up in your reader anymore ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

BUT there are ways we can keep in touch…

You can Follow me on Bloglovin’

Like my Facebook page – I’m always updating it with new posts

Follow my blog through email from my new site

or, you can follow me through RSS

Thank you all for an amazing 6 months of blogging here on wordpress.com. I still have access to my reader so I will be able to keep up with all your new posts! I hope we will all still be able to keep in touch ๐Ÿ™‚

Have an amazing weekend!


The Conservatory: Take 2


I’m back with take 2 of the conservatory trip Paul and I took last week. These photos were taken in the ‘rainforest’ section.._1090718

I actually found this dress at a thrift store for $1.99! It was a little big, and way too long but I figured those fixes should be easy enough given that it was already pretty cute to begin with. I wish I had before pictures (they were accidentally deleted from the memory card before I copied them to my computed :/ ).



Life lately has been hectic as always. We finally have all our stuff moved in to the new place and the apartment is almost totally set up. Weโ€™ve had a few set backs (mainly a lovely leak in our kitchen, well, several lovely leaks actually), but Iโ€™m happy to report that the apartment is completely dry today ๐Ÿ™‚




Moving and leaks aside, this has been my first full week of work, which has been really exciting. The past few days have been bittersweet though, because Iโ€™m losing several friends to other cities, states, and even one to a different country – athough I’m really excited for them, I’ll also miss them a ton. I guess thatโ€™s just part of life post college though โ€“ everyone moves on to bigger and better things ๐Ÿ™‚