Dresser Makeover

About a month ago I was taking the trash out and saw this awesome dresser sitting outside by the street. I immediately ran inside to get Paul to ‘come and look at something with me’ (knowing he was going to end up helping me carry it back to the house)

IMG_0002The dresser looked pretty decent on the whole, just needed some cleaning and new drawer bottoms..IMG_0004

Even though the blue was an awesome color, it was faded and chipping off in places (and I have a yellow sewing desk – as a Buckeye it just didn’t seem right to have Michigan colored furniture). We used paint thinner to help take off some of the paint, after a few minutes it started to look like this..IMG_0006It looks like this isn’t the first time someone has given the dresser new life. As we scrapped off the blue, we found a lovely layer of red paint..IMG_0008Paul sanded the rest of the paint off while I scrapped the drawers..IMG_0011A half gallon of paint thinner, and 9 sanding pads later..IMG_0015

One layer of paint down..IMG_0019 We decided to wood stain just the top..IMG_0032

Remember those nasty drawers?


The finished product..IMG_0028Originally this was going to hold my crafting supplies, but after talking it over we decided it would work well in the living room.


The Green Chair Makeover


This chair from last weeks style post was one that I found at Goodwill on sale for just $1.99!

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I immediately fell in love with the wood detail of the chair (which allowed me to look past the gross actual seat part)

20120716_114515First I removed the seat (this was pretty simple, it was only held on my some old nails that were coming loose anyway)20120716_115038

Add a little primer..20120716_120134 - Copy

Then some colored paint (I almost wanted it to be white, but decided an actual color would be more fun)

20120716_131629 - CopyI pained over it lightly so that some brush strokes could be seen and then sanded in a few places to give it that worn look (because why would someone want it to look new, right?).

I reupholstered the seat using fabric from an old pillowcase I found for 49 cents and voilà! 
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This chair is proof that it doesn’t even always take hard work to transform old pieces! Have you ever re-done a piece like this?

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