DIY: Anthropologie Inspired Tree Jewelery Stand

I fell completely in love with this tree jewelry stand from Anthropologie, but at a price tag of $98 it was way out of my budget, so I decided to get a little crafty. This is what I came up with:


I literally just went outside and started searching for branches (this is actually much more time consuming than what it sounds like – plan for that if you are going to attempt this project).

After finding a couple of perfect branches,  I spray painted them gold:


I bought some wood from Home Depot and had one of the workers saw it into square pieces for me. I then painted them with a few layers of different colored paint and sanded (to get that ‘distressed’ look’):

IMAG0180To finish it off I just drilled a hole into the center of the wood square (but not all the way through) and pushed the branch into it.


The best part about this project? It only cost $7.00

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