80’s Prom Dress Refashion


Wow – June seriously flew by! Refashion Runway was awesome – I won the summer dress challenge and placed third overall. Thank you all who voted an supported over this past month!

I actually found and refashioned this dress I found at a community yard sale a few months before the competition started. The bows and puffy sleeves have clearly gone out of style but I saw a lot of potential in this one. The color was beautiful and the lace was beautiful and for only $2 I couldn’t pass it up!_1060251 SittingCloseUp

I definitely learned a lot refashioning this. In the past I’ve always shortened dresses from the bottom, but as I looked at the dress, I really liked the fact that it flared out at the end so I actually took some length out of the middle and added an invisible zipper to the skirt!ProcessPic

These are the last of the pictures from our Maryland trip in June. We went to Havre de Grace, my grandparents live there and I spent a lot of time growing up. We had lunch with my mom at Coakley’s (my favorite) and then check out the boardwalk and lighthouse by the Chesapeake Bay.




In other life related news, Paul and I are officially moving in together! After a long (and slightly stressful) search, we agreed on (or, maybe I should say he caved) and committed to a place. We start moving in a couple of weeks (photos to come).

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Refashion Runway Week 4: A Summer Dress


It’s the last week of Refashion Runway, and somehow I made it to the end! This weeks challenge was a summer dress, and, anyone who has seen my blog probably realizes that dresses are my favorite thing to wear..

I took to a local thrift shop to find a dress to refashion for this project and I came across this Coldwater Creek dress (with the tags STILL on it – $69.00 – I got it for $3.99!).  I’ll admit, I usually play it safe with dresses I refashion (choosing ones that are somewhat close to my size), so at a size 18 this would be the biggest refashion I have ever tackled., but the color was so perfect I couldn’t pass it up…


What I did:
Took it in in the back and on the sides
Added darts to the bust
Shortened it.
At this point it was cute – but still kind of plain. So I dug up a skirt I wanted to refashion and cut the bottom off of it.
I used the fabric from the skirt to:
Cover the buttons
Add trim to the bottom
The dress still didn’t scream summer, so I added a cute heart cutout in the back and also lined it with the floral fabric from the skirt!

SummerDressProcessThe after pictures were taken at the Park of Roses, we went hoping for a sunny day, but the weather did not cooperate the entire time we were there (hence, the umbrella)..



Dress: Thrifted // Belt: Vintage // Shoes: UrbanOG // Umbrella: Tigertree_1080610


If you haven’t already, check out Buttons and Birdcages on Facebook!summerdressafterglasses

Check out what the other contestants came up with and cast your vote here!